LNNI Cross Border Collaboration and Learning

31 Oct 2017
- LNNI have worked closely with colleagues from the HSE to develop stronger links with services located throughout Ireland, and particularly around the cross border area:
- The All Ireland conference on the 15th November 2017 is now fully booked, and will host the launch of the HSE Lymphoedema Service recommendations
- The education initiatives hosted by LNNI: “Tissue Manipulation” (Sept 17) and Klose Training’s Lymphoedema certification course (Oct 17), attracted delegates from across Ireland, and internationally, forging new networks.
- LNNI Lead, Jane Rankin, attended a meeting in Tipperary (Oct 17) and has been able to develop a list of therapists from the cross border area (individual permission provided for website publication)which is published in the “Referral” section.”
Photo: Tipperary Lymphoedema Course with Dr Tobias Bertsch (Germany) and Linda Roherty (USA), October 2017