Lipoedema & Covid 19
We hope that you are all keeping safe, healthy and in touch with those most important to you in these challenging times of instability and uncertainty. Lipoedema UK would like to reassure anyone living with lipoedema, that COVID-19 / coronavirus does NOT pose any more risk to you than anyone else. If you have other underlying health conditions we urge you to act on the recommended government advice.
Along with many GP surgeries, Lymphoedema clinics are operating on a minimum level with staff being redeployed to other services so it may be difficult to obtain repeat prescriptions or attend clinics for the duration of the crisis.
The Lipoedema UK team has put together some guidance for you all on how to continue to best manage your condition during this time. For information on the management of compression garments, helpful links and daily activity suggestions, read on and don’t forget to keep up to date with more support via our Instagram and Facebook pages.
Stay home and take care of each other, Together we will beat corona virus and lipoedema.
Sharie and the Lipoedema UK team
(Please click on the poster below for a printable version)